Aoitori the Japanese Community Media

Aoitori the Japanese Community Media

Japanese Community Magazine in Belgium

Aoitori is a leading community magazine for Japanese expats living in Belgium, tourists visiting from Japan and any Belgian with an interest in Japanese culture and society.

Every month we publish an interview with someone who represents the Belgium-Japan relation. Other articles cover subjects from everyday news to must-visit places, restaurants, businesses and ongoing events.

Check our magazine online:

 List of distribution points:

Our monthly take-free-paper-magazine is available at around 30 distribution points predominately in Brussels, Waterloo, Antwerp, Gent and Bruges.

Brussels : Embassy of Japan (Consular Section), Tagawa Stores, Shilla, Junko Ashida, euroHouse, Yamayu Santatsu, Nonbe Daigaku, Haru chan, Ken chan, Seino, Pâtisserie Sasaki, Noriko Matsushita, Station 3

Antwerp: Het Natuurhuis, Minato, Les Saveurs de Yamada, Ko'uzi

Gent: Zuruzuru Ramen

Bruges: Tanuki Restaurant


Your Marketing Opportunity with our Magazine!

Would you like to reach out to the Japanese community in Belgium or Belgian people interested in Japan?

Our strong relationship with our readership provides you and your business or organization with the perfect opportunity to connect with said audience. Not only our magazine, but also our website and SNSs create the perfect platform for sponsors or advertisers.

Would you like to publish your own advertisement or create an advertisement together?

We have a team of editors, designers, photographers and translators available to not only make an advertisement according to your specifications, but also translate your advertisement to Japanese. All options can be discussed.


Newsletter for Professionals

We invite marketing managers to subscribe to our newsletter for professionals.

We send you monthly schedule, report and promotion deals.

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Interested in Sponsorship?

Would you like to sponsor Aoitori, place an advertisement in our magazine or even appear in one of our interviews?

Feel free to contact us in English, French, Dutch or even Japanese at:

CONTACT : Hiroyuki Yamamoto
